Let's Talk about the Indian Food

What is your favourite food? Mine is not a single dish. I have so many favourites in food. I can have as much as my tummy can hold. Well belonging to north India I love spicy and oily food a lot. That is the specialization of Indian food. Food is the only thing that joins different cultures, society, thinking and taste in one. Food is the basic need of humans but nowadays food has taken a huge change in itself, today cooking has become a passion, it has become a source of income for many families.  It has come up with varieties and variations in it. Food is not only to fill the tummy, it is also for taste and that too good taste. Well every house has one or more than one chefs available, I will never underestimate and mother her dedication and her love, because that is what makes us more prominent to food all the moms have the talent to cool the best food. In India all the cooks are not only in big 5 star hotels or big restaurants, some are there on the nukkads, on the streets and many other places.

Image Source:- shutterstock

Essentials to become an Indian cook:

In India cooking is not only done out of necessity but it is done as a passion as a talent. India has many varieties of chefs available. best Indian cooks have the Indian taste and when they mix the Thai twist, Italian touch, Chinese flavour, then it becomes an ultimate food that we will crave for. There are many channels on television and YouTube where these Indian cooks cook the food and display them for the people to learn and try the recipe at home. 

But frankly saying we cannot make the food as accurately as they make it. But they have done their job now so people have to try it. They have created a job out of cooking. That cooking that was only limited to the kitchens of our house now has come and made its identity on television. Most of the people eagerly wait to watch the episodes and see how the food is cooked. Cooking food is not an easy job. You must know and understand when the flame has to be low and when it has to be high, the correct measure and amount if the things only will enhance the taste of the food.

Video Source:- Curiosity Culture

Cooking all around the globe:-

Outside India also cooking is very famous. Cooking has to be done according to one's needs. If they need to fill the stomach, they need to fill the pockets. Top Chef Middle East Qatar are very popular and widely known chefs. They have their identity through cooking. The chefs Middle East, Qatar are the best chefs known in the entire middle east. These chefs have done the professional courses in cooking and they usually work in the big hotels or restaurants, as there they can get the actual value of their work. Therefore, not only India but the entire world is fascinated by this new era of cooking.

For more information:- https://www.alliancerecruitmentagency.com/indian-cooks-for-hire/


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